ILO 24-Hour Global Tour Manila: Labour Inspection, OSH and Freedom of Association

The ILO 24-Hour Global Tour Manila held on 11 April 2019 featured rights at work, trade and employment, freedom of association, occupational safety and health and labour inspection creatively delivered through spoken word poetry.

Date issued: 11 April 2019 | Size/duration: 00:04:49

Rights at work, including freedom of association and collective bargaining ensure that employers and workers have an equal voice in negotiations that will result in a fair deal. Voice and representation are key to achieve inclusivity, sustainable development and enable trade that will positively impact on decent work.

The ILO 24-Hour Global Tour Manila featured rights at work, trade and employment, freedom of association, occupational safety and health and labour inspection, which Ms Kooky Tuason creatively delivered through spoken word poetry.