Global Jobs Pact Country Profile: Belize

In an effort to offset the adverse effects of the financial and economic crisis, in May 2009 the Government approved new amendments to existing labour legislation to improve the conditions of service for workers, in conformity with ILO Conventions No. 158 on Termination of Employment and No. 183 on Maternity Protection. Following multipartite consultations involving social partners and non-governmental organizations, the Government has also endorsed a national Committee to develop a process of social dialogue in the aftermath of the crisis.

The newly created Development Finance Corporation with the assistance of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) will start providing loans for employment-intensive projects on concessionary terms in tourism, urban and rural infrastructure, transport and utilities.

Key resources

Kingston Action Plan – The Caribbean Response to the Crisis

Belize – Country Factsheet

For more information on the job crisis and recovery in the Bahamas, please visit the ILO Job Crisis Observatory.