
The ILO publishes a wide range of books, reports, working papers, training manuals, CD-ROMs, videos and flash movies, relevant to Indonesia and Timor-Leste. Some of these can be downloaded directly. Others can be requested or purchased in hard copy from the ILO Library in Jakarta.


  1. ILO Participatory Gender Audits

    04 September 2007

    ILO uses participatory gender audits to promote individual and organizational learning on ways to mainstream gender in order to help achieve equality between women and men.

  2. Youth Employment Study (YES) Timor-Leste 2007

    01 September 2007

    This book contains a comprehensive study, which Developed to contribute to a better understanding of youth unemployment and underemployment in Timor-Leste since the independence from Indonesia.

  3. Rights at work: an assessment of the Declaration’s technical cooperation in select countries

    31 August 2007

    This report examines each of the three areas (freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining; equality and non-discrimination; elimination of forced labour and trafficking) supported by the Programme on Promoting the Declaration in four countries: Brazil, Indonesia, Morocco and Viet Nam. One of its major objectives is to gauge the influence of the Declaration on any positive developments, particularly in situations in which the ILO has managed a technical assistance project.

  4. Child labour, education of the workers' children, aid scheme, and school committee: trade union's views (In Bahasa Indonesia)

    30 August 2007

    Trade unions have an important role to overcome child labours' problems, mainly by helping the members to get information and access to education for their children.

  5. Country review on youth employment in Indonesia

    10 August 2007

    A useful reference for policy and programme formulation concerning youth employment in Indonesia.

  6. Toolkit for Mainstreaming Employment and Decent Work

    01 August 2007

    The entire United Nations system has been called upon to support countries in their efforts to give effect to their commitment to employment and decent work for all. In order to assist the member agencies of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) in this endeavour, the High Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP) of the CEB decided to develop a Toolkit for Mainstreaming Employment and Decent Work. The ILO was asked to take the lead in developing the Toolkit in collaboration with interested agencies and in consultation with all members of the HLCP.

  7. Decent Work Country Programme, 2006-2010

    30 June 2007

    As a United Nations Specialized Agency, the ILO’s mandate is to promote opportunities for all women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. This Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) translates that mandate into the ILO’s contribution at country-level in Indonesia towards the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRSs), the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), and national development strategies.

  8. C169 - Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989

    25 June 2007

    Full text of the ILO Convention no. 169 year 1989.

  9. The effective employers organization

    01 June 2007

    A training package designed to help employers' organizations build and run their organizations more strategically and effectively.

  10. SIYB directory of assistance and advice

    23 May 2007

    Guide for establishing a business and directory of relevant institutions/offices in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province.

  11. Local Economic Development in Indonesia: Reviving the community spirit

    15 May 2007

    LED Story No. 6

  12. Photo exhibition catalog "A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia" (In English and Bahasa Indonesia)

    01 May 2007

    Catalog of photographs exhibited by the ILO-Jakarta to celebrate the Labour Day 1st of May 2007.

  13. ILO Jakarta newsletter, May 2007

    01 May 2007

    Illustrates the broad range of programmes and activities of the ILO in Indonesia, many of which are directly relevant to the national social and economic goals of the tripartite constituents - governments, employers and workers.

  14. Catalogue publications 2007 = Katalog publikasi 2007 (In English and Bahasa Indonesia)

    23 April 2007

    List of the ILO-Jakarta publications produced in 2007.

  15. Developing national skills strategies: report of ILO/SKILLS-AP/Japan Regional Technical Meeting on Developing National Skills Strategies, Chiba, Japan, 27-30 March 2007

    30 March 2007

    Provides experiences, good practices and the development of Tripartite Action Plans for Afghanistan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Pakistan and Timor-Leste and the effective roadmap for follow-up action.

  16. Hanging by a frayed rope

    12 March 2007

    A research study on the vulnerability of female migrant workers from the Regencies of Sumenep-Madura, Malang and Bojonegoro, East Java.

  17. HIV/AIDS and migrant workers, special bulletin, March 2007

    01 March 2007

    HIV/AIDS and Migration Bulletin is a special, bilingual bulletin aimed at dealing with the very substance of the ILO Jakarta’s work under its Project on HIV/AIDS Workplace Education in Indonesia. The bulletin specifically covers issues related to migration and HIV/AIDS.

  18. Skills development for economic empowerment and poverty reduction: report of ILO/SKILLS-AP/Japan/TESDA Regional Technical Meeting on Skills Development for Economic Empowerment and Poverty Reduction, Manila, Philippines, 30 January - 1 February 2007

    01 February 2007

    Reviews different approaches to skills development in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines and Sri Lanka.

  19. Vision, mission, policy, strategy and program of national occupational safety and health (OSH) 2007 - 2010

    29 January 2007

    A basic guideline for all concerned in building an Indonesian society with culturally OSH compliance.

  20. Stop child trafficking (in Bahasa Indonesia)

    02 January 2007

    Information about the Stop Child Trafficking aims to increase awareness about child trafficking issues in the Main Stakeholders, so that they can make efforts to change social perceptions, attitudes, traditions and norms that encourage the trafficking of children.