Social Safeguards Framework for rural road works

This Social Safeguards Framework (SSF) for the R4D Program has been designed to guide the implementation of inclusive and rights-based practices in rural road programs in Timor-Leste, and to prevent and mitigate their possible negative social impacts.

The SSF is directed for the guidance and use all other stakeholders working on rural roads incuding Road contractors and the Labour Inspection Department of Secretatry of State for Youth and Labour (SSYL), which is the government legal entity in charge of monitoring the legal compliance of the Labour Code.

The SSF includes overall social protection requirements and possible responses to likely social impacts that are related to rural road construction, rehabilitation and maintenance in Timor-Leste. Key background information on social safeguards concepts in the context of rural road works is included in this SSF as Annex 1.

All R4D rural road works will require the application of this SSF. The SSF will be reviewed regularly based on experiences of the R4D program.