Feature stories

This is a list of official ILO feature stories issued by the ILO office in Jakarta and Timor-Leste. Some are available in multiple languages, indicated on the top of each stories. The most recent stories is at the top.


  1. BEDO and SCORE : Together making a difference

    21 December 2018

    SCORE Training’s “unique and holistic approach” has assisted over 1,300 of BEDO’s members to develop and upgrade their manufacturing businesses in Indonesia.

  2. Opening doors to entrepreneurship for transgender

    18 December 2018

    The ILO 2016 study showed that only 10 percent of transgender persons work in the formal economy. An ILO training course improved and strengthened entrepreneur and business skills of transgender persons.

  3. Financial skills open the door to better life and work

    15 November 2018

    Transgender persons still face the highest level of discrimination in society, including access to training and employment opportunities. An ILO training course gave transgender persons the opportunity to improve their financial management skills with a view to supporting their employability and increasing their entrepreneurial opportunities.

  4. Legal protection for domestic workers in Makassar

    02 October 2018

    South Sulawesi Province recently issued a Governor Regulation on the Protection of Domestic Workers. It took about 1.5 years of consultations and advocacies organized by local NGOs and domestic workers union, with support from the ILO’s Promoting Decent Work for Domestic Workers (PROMOTE) Project.

  5. Making a perfect triangle: minimum wages, collective bargaining and economic growth

    14 September 2018

    The minimum wage fixing is linked to the collective bargaining and economic growth. Daniel Kostzer, ILO Senior Regional Specialist on Wages, explained how the three components creating a perfect triangle.

  6. Recognizing the potential of people with intellectual disabilities at workplace

    05 July 2018

    An employment opportunity is what needed by people with intellectual disabilities. Having a job means that they can participate in and contribute to the labour market.

  7. Building a safe and healthy generation of youth in Indonesia

    07 May 2018

    The Indonesian Minister of Manpower, M. Hanif Dhakiri, encouraged young Indonesians to have a good understanding about their labour rights and obligations, including rights and obligations related to occupational safety and health (OSH).

  8. Indonesian youth champion safety and health at work

    27 April 2018

    The ILO’s work to promote youth engagement in occupational safety and health (OSH) in Indonesia has inspired young people to carry out their own initiatives and make a difference in their local communities.

  9. Collective bargaining agreements benefited both workers and employers

    21 March 2018

    Six companies signed a commitment to improve and strengthen the companies’ labour relations through renegotiating and reformulating the collective bargaining agreements at the company level. These six companies were part of the ILO’s programme through its Labour Standards in Global Supply Chains.

  10. Act Wisely at Work!

    19 January 2018

    This article is one of six articles about youth rights at work as part of the ILO's efforts and campaign in promoting decent work for all, including youth. The article is part of the ILO's Youth Rights @ Work Campaign.