
Output 1: Improved country level child labour and education legal framework

The legal framework on child labour has been strengthened by:

  • Updating the list of hazardous work in Mali by Ministerial Decree No. 09/0151 / MTFPRE-SG on 4 February 2009 (supplementing the list of hazardous work prohibited for children under 18 years).
  • The completion and validation of the study evaluating the existing legal framework on labour and education of children in Mali (May 2010).

Output 2: Strengthened institutional capacity to formulate and implement child labour strategies

Institutional capacities of ILO constituents and civil society organizations have been strengthened through:

  • The validation of the Action Plan for the Fight against Child Labor (PANETEM) in the Council of Ministers of June 8, 2011. This validation provides the political agreement to implement the six areas of intervention proposed by PANETEM to eradicate all forms of unauthorized work done by children in Mali during the period 2011-2020.
  • The manuals and guides for model lessons on education and child labour (1st and 2nd cycle of basic education) were validated in April 2011 by the National Department of Pedagogy of the Ministry of Education, Literacy and National Languages. This validation gives the official government agreement to use 20 model lessons for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th years of basic education. The model lessons are designed in line with SCREAM and provide opportunities for teachers and students to build their knowledge, skills and attitudes on child labour. Each teacher's guide contains ten (10) model lessons on education and child labour.
  • Participation in the development and validation of the new Strategic Framework Paper for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (2012-2017). The issue of Child Labour was mainstreamed into the paper and children right to protection has been stated in different sections of the paper. The paper was endorsed during the national validation workshop held on 16 and 17 October 2011.

Output 3: Targeted actions to combat child labour

Three actions programmes have been developed:

  • “Supporting the education of children at risk or victims of WFCL in the gold mining sector in the traditional villages Baroya, Sékonamata, and Sinsoko Dioulafoundouba” implemented by Réseau d’Appui et Conseil (RAC)
  • “Supporting the education of working children at risk or working in the field of agriculture, forestry and pastoral in the Segou region” implemented by AMAPROS.
  • “Supporting the education of child victims or at risk of early migration for the purpose of labour exploitation” implemented by AV.ES

Output 4: Enhanced knowledge base and networks on child labour and education

Mechanisms for knowledge sharing and advocacy are created through:

  • National and international media coverage including print, audio and visual covering child labour forums, research, SCREAM competition and WDACL including production and broadcast TV spots during WDACL week.
  • Information campaign and awareness on education, labour and child trafficking: (1) Caravans of information and awareness on child labour: enrolment of girls workers (June 2008), child survival (June 2009), improving living and working conditions through the adoption of the WIND programme and access to education (March 2010); (2) Information and awareness campaign targeting local structures and communities about the risks and dangers associated with child labour and its impact on education (September 2009); (3) Intercommunal meeting with the communal authorities of Kéniéba on the issue of child labour in the traditional gold mining sector (May 2010).
  • Dissemination of good practice in the fight against child labor through education: (1) Organization of a SCREAM competition on the perception of work and education for children (June 2008); (2) Environmental education for the benefit of 240 students from poor backgrounds and four schools located in disadvantaged areas of the sensitive districts of Bamako (August 2009).


  1. Good practices

    Good practices in tackling child labour through education - Selected examples from the IPEC TACKLE Project

    10 October 2013

    The objective of the TACKLE project was to contribute to the withdrawal of children engaged in child labour and to prevent further entry of children into employment by offering them alternative education and training opportunities and thereby contributing towards poverty reduction.