
In July 2008, the European Union, International Labour Organization, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labour signed a Partnership Protocol Agreement. The implementation of the TACKLE project started effectively in January 2009 with the recruitment of the project staff in Madagascar.

Output 1: Improved country level child labour and education legal framework

The project has been working since 2010 with the Comité pour la Réforme du Droit des Enfants (CRDE) on two reform projects about the worst form of child labour in coherence of ILO Conventions No.138 and No.182.

Output 2: Strengthened institutional capacity to formulate and implement child labour strategies

  • Study on “Child labour in the vanilla sector”: A validation workshop was held in November 2011 in the region of Sava to validate the study and develop a work plan for the region based on the outcomes of the study. The main results of the study shows that child labour exists in the sector, affecting about 1/3 of children between 12 and 17 years, who are still enrolled in schools. The majority work especially during school holidays to be able to pay school fees. A local monitoring committee will be established to monitor the progress of the work plan during 2012.
  • In collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, 74 labours inspectors and 91 trade unions members were trained on child labour. Following the training, work plans were developed and a regional committee against child labour was created in Analajirofo.
  • In December 2011, a workshop was organized for local authorities and tourism stakeholders in the tourism sector in Nosy-be, in order to raise their awareness on the negative impact of commercial and sexual exploitation of children, on the institutional and legal framework related to child labour in Madagascar, and on their respective role on fighting child labour in the tourism industry.

Output 3: Targeted actions to combat child labour

Three action programmes were implemented between March 2010 and April 2011 as follows:

  • "Contribution à la prévention et au retrait des enfants travailleurs dans la Région de Vakinankaratra" implemented by association SAROBIDY.
  • "Prévention et retrait des enfants des pires formes de travail des enfants dans la pêche traditionnelle, l’exploitation sexuelle à des fins commerciales, le secteur informel, l’agriculture et l’élevage, la domesticité, les mines dans la Région d’Analanjirofo de Madagascar en général et dans la Commune Urbaine de Fénérive Est en particulier" implemented by SUN LIGHT.
  • "Combattre le travail des enfants, notamment les travaux dangereux en milieu rural dans le district de Marovoay, par l’éducation" implemented by Association pour la Promotion du Boeny (APB).

Output 4: Enhanced knowledge base and networks on child labour and education

  • The celebration of the World Day against Child Labour (WDACL) has been organized yearly in collaboration with the National Committee to Fight against child labour (CNLTE), the concerned ministries, and regional committees of the fight against child labour (CRLTE) such as the CRLTE in Diana. The project produced a traditional song on child labour in local dialect. The awareness raising activities reached 30,000 persons during the celebration of the WDACL between 2009 and 2011, through different activities, including a concert with national stars in 2009, regional football and basketball tournaments, dance and drawing competitions, exhibitions and discussions on child labour.
  • Awareness raising campaign for media reporters on child labour, “Education for All”, “Domestic Child Labour”, followed by newspaper, radio, and television coverage.


  1. Good practices

    Good practices in tackling child labour through education - Selected examples from the IPEC TACKLE Project

    10 October 2013

    The objective of the TACKLE project was to contribute to the withdrawal of children engaged in child labour and to prevent further entry of children into employment by offering them alternative education and training opportunities and thereby contributing towards poverty reduction.