Liberia - Projects

Project title

Start date

End date


Prevention and reintegration of children involved in armed conflict

30 September 2003

31 May 2007

United States

Objective: The project intends to contribute to the reduction of the incidence of children serving in armies and/or in armed groups. This expected outcome will be reached through three objectives, by the end of the project (1) there will be an enabling environment in each country, facilitating the prevention, withdrawal and subsequent reintegration into society of children involved in armed conflict, (2) former child soldiers above the minimum working age will be assisted to acquire decent work and achieve a sustainable income and (3) fewer children will be recruited in armed conflict in targeted countries.


Project development, awareness raising and support for the implementation of the global action plan to eliminate the worst forms of child labour by 2016

01 May 2008

30 September 2013

United States

Objective: This project will enable IPEC to improve the quality of new projects which will receive direct beneficiary monitoring support. Through World Day Against Child Labour, the awareness on child labour will be enhanced and the mobilization of key individuals and communities will consequently be increased. Finally, specific capacity will have been strengthened at the national, regional and global level in support of targets set forth in the Global Action Plan. In Liberia, this project will support the development of the National Plan of Action (NAP).