Kenya: Resources on child labour


  1. Publication

    TACKLE - Combater o trabalho infantil pela educaçao em 11 países: levar as crianças do trabalho para a escola

    01 June 2008

  2. Publication

    Kenya: Child labour data country brief

    01 January 2008

    Child labour country brief on current data from SIMPOC surveys based on common indicators

  3. Publication

    Baseline survey on children in commercial sex in Kenya's four towns of Nairobi, Kisumu, Eldoret and Nyeri

    01 January 2008

    The primary objective of the survey was to asses through qualitative and quantitative means the extent of Commercial Sexual Exploitation Children (CSEC) in Kenya¿s four selected towns. The survey focused on the nature, extent, cause and characteristics of CSEC; it developed profiles of commercial sex activities of the children and the study towns and identified the determinants of school drop outs, achievements and performance.


  1. Publication

    Agricultural policies and the Elimination of Child Labour in Kenya

    01 June 2007

    This assessment is a contribution to the commemoration of the World Day Against Child Labour (WDACL), i.e. June 12th, for the year 2007. The report analyses key issues, gaps and opportunities regarding the extent to which Kenya¿s agricultural policies and laws address elimination of child labour especially its worst forms. Recommendations are made on how to fill the identified gaps as a way of accelerating the fight against child labour in agriculture.

  2. Instructional material

    Travail domestique des enfants en Ouganda, Tanzanie, Zambie et au Kenya : Bonnes pratiques innovantes pour le combattre

    01 January 2007

    Ce rapport sur les bonnes pratiques innovantes se focalise sur les programmes de lutte contre le travail domestique des enfants mis en oeuvre au Kenya, en Ouganda, en Tanzanie et en Zambie. Même si ces bonnes pratiques sont des pratiques «innovantes», le rapport considère comme une évidence que ce programme a contribué à introduire des changements significatifs dans la vie de nombreux enfants domestiques et des enfants qui sont en situation de risque d'intégrer le travail domestique.


  1. Instructional material

    Trabajo infantil doméstico en Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda y Zambia : Buenas prácticas emergentes para combatirlo

    01 January 2006

    Las buenas prácticas que se presentan en este informe se basan en las intervenciones hechas para retirar, prevenir y rehabilitar a los niños y niñas que ya estaban en el trabajo doméstico; para prevenir a aquellos niños y niñas que estaban en situación de riesgo de caer en el trabajo doméstico; para fortalecer la capacidad de las partes interesadas, y para contribuir a crear un entorno favorable.

  2. Instructional material

    Emerging good practices on action to combat child domestic labour in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia

    01 January 2006

    This report on emerging good practices focuses on Child Domestic Labour programmes implemented in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Zambia. These good practices range from effective community mobilization to effective protection of older children working as domestic labourers.


  1. Publication

    A Strategy for a Microfinance Component in the Kenya Time-Bound Programme

    01 September 2005

    This strategy was commissioned by IPEC in collaboration with the ILO's Social Finance Unit (SFU) to develop a sustainable microfinance component that includes a broad range of financial services tailored to the needs of the IPEC target groups for use in the Time-Bound Programmes. The strategy will strengthen the impact and sustainability of microfinance components in IPEC projects, through partnering with experienced microfinance providers.

  2. Publication

    Impact of childrens work on school attendance and performance: a review of school survey evidence from five countries

    01 March 2005

    The paper presents a descriptive overview of the association between work involvement and schooling for five countries. It also examines causal links between work involvement and school by using regression analyses. The countries included in the analysis are Brazil, Kenya, Turkey, Lebanon and Sri Lanka.


  1. Publication

    Skills training strategies to combat worst forms of child labour in the urban informal sector in Kenya

    01 August 2003

    The purpose of this study is to prepare the information and knowledge base for developing sub-regional projects that will develop and implement strategies to combat the worst forms of child labour in the urban informal sector through cost effective methods of skill training with special emphasis on traditional apprenticeship schemes.