Registration in the Committees of the 108th Session of the International Labour Conference

The membership of the committees set up to address agenda items III, IV and V (i.e. the technical committees and the Committee on the Application of Standards) is determined by the groups in the case of the Employers and Workers. Governments register individually for membership of committees with the Conference secretariat. Since last year, it will be sufficient for Governments to register the country name and not the names of each of the Government delegates or advisers.

The Conference approves the initial composition of its committees at its first sitting. In order to facilitate the work of the Conference and group secretariats, governments, employers’ and workers’ delegates who intend to participate in committees are asked to complete registration forms in advance and send them to the International Labour Office before the Conference opening.

The registration forms, along with all the relevant information regarding their submission, are available for download by clicking on the links below:


Official Meetings, Documentation and Relations Department (RELMEETINGS)


Bureau for Employers' Activities (ACT/EMP)


Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACTRAV)
email: , fax: +41 22 799 6570

Governments should note that there is a one-hour meeting of the whole Government group from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Monday, 10 June. As this immediately precedes the opening sitting of the Conference, at 11 a.m., it will be too late at that point for Government delegates to register for committee membership and be able to participate immediately in the work of the committees, which begins that afternoon. This means that unless Government delegates register for committee membership before 6 p.m. on Sunday, 9 June they will not be able to participate (except under the conditions set out in article 56(6) of the Standing Orders of the Conference) in the work of the first committee sittings on the afternoon of Monday, 10 June.

Thereafter, changes in the composition of committees registered with the relevant group secretariat by 6 p.m. become effective the following working day of the Conference.

Please note that committee membership will be effective only once the Office has received official credentials in respect of the national delegation concerned.

Unlike in the plenary, there is no need to register in advance to speak in the committees. The floor is given by the person chairing the committee.