Events and meetings

The ILO Country Office for Viet Nam organizes and takes part in a number of events and meetings. Below is a list of upcoming and past events. Any queries should be sent to the office by email.

September 2019

  1. National Experience Sharing workshop of the project “Technical Support for Enhancing the National Capacity to Prevent and Reduce Child Labour in Vietnam (ENHANCE)”

    12 - 13 September 2019

  2. 5th Regional Skills Technical Working Group Meeting - Enhancing Human Resources Development in ASEAN, Progress of MRA and MRS

    11 - 12 September 2019

  3. Building national capacity in child labour data analysis and report writing

    10 - 12 September 2019

  4. Workshop on industrial zone trade union champion network in the North and the South

    10 September 2019

August 2019

  1. Fifth Technical Meeting of Focal Specialists on International Labour Migration Statistics in ASEAN

    27 - 28 August 2019

    This meeting discusses international labour migration data statistics and brings together representatives from national governments, the ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN Statistics, and ILO.

  2. Workshop on Reintegration Programmes for Returning Migrant Workers

    27 - 28 August 2019

    This workshop will enable knowledge-sharing and collaboration on return and reintegration good practices for the ASEAN region, promote cooperation on bilateral and regional levels, and facilitate the development of the ASEAN Guidelines on Effective Return and Reintegration

  3. ILO 100 years – Journey for Social Justice: "Shared ideals of Ho Chi Minh and ILO towards decent work for all”

    27 August 2019

  4. National Preparation Meeting for the 12th ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labour

    19 August 2019

  5. Review workshop on data collecting pilot on industrial relations and wages indicators

    9 August 2019

  6. Policy dialogue workshop on related international labour standards, especially with regards to child labour in the path to supply chain transparency in the context of international integration

    6 August 2019

July 2019

  1. Training on at-trial skills for legal advisors and people juror officials

    18 - 19 July 2019

June 2019

  1. Technical roundtable meeting for wood sector

    27 June 2019

  2. Tripartite brief policy workshop of wood and seafood processing sectors

    27 June 2019

  3. World Day against Child Labour Campaign 2019

    7 June 2019

  4. National workshop on preventing and dealing with workers' interests in the enterprises with owners fleeing and bankruptcy

    6 - 7 June 2019

  5. Save Smart: Gender-Responsive Financial Literacy Training for Migrant Workers and their Families (Phnom Penh)

    5 - 7 June 2019

    TRIANGLE in ASEAN, in partnership with Atikha Overseas Workers and Communities Initiative, Inc., will host a series of Save Smart Training of Trainers (TOT): Gender-Responsive Financial Literacy Training for Migrant Workers and their Families

May 2019

  1. Workshop on Strengthening Capacity and Coordination on Prevention and Investigation of Trafficking in Persons for Forced Labour

    27 - 28 May 2019

    This workshop is held to improve mutual understanding and facilitate effective cooperation and referrals between labour inspectors and criminal law enforcers in investigating labour rights abuses including trafficking in persons.

  2. National strategic planning workshop for Alliance 8.7

    24 May 2019

  3. Technical Workshop on Additional Health Insurance Benefit Package

    23 May 2019

    The workshop’s objective is to present the finding from the review of countries experience on provision of additional health benefit package, drawing some major trends within OECD and ASEAN countries, as well as to allow stakeholders to discuss and provide inputs to the Government on possible policy options. The workshop takes place on 23 May 2019 and gather representatives of the Ministry of Health and Development Partners.

  4. SCORE - National tripartite advisory meeting

    23 May 2019