Publications on tripartism and social dialogue

  1. Publication

    Regulating the employment relationship in Europe: A guide to Recommendation No. 198

    02 April 2013

    Over the recent years, there have been increasing developments at the European level regarding the employment relationship in legislation, case law, collective agreements and soft law. In this context, the ILO, and in particular the then Industrial and Employment Relations Department (DIALOGUE) undertook a strategic partnership with the European Labour Law Network (ELLN), a network of independent legal experts from all European Union Member States and European Economic Area countries, in order to produce an updated version of the 2007 annotated Guide with a specific focus on European countries.

    The Russian version of the Guide is complemented by examples on law in practice on employment relationship in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

  2. Publication

    The enabling environment for sustainable enterprises in Malawi

    01 April 2013

    Employment Sector - Employment Report No. 20

  3. Publication

    The enabling environment for sustainable enterprises in Malawi

    28 February 2013

  4. Handbook

    Understanding the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention

    19 February 2013

    This handbook explains Convention No. 169 (1989) to governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, as well as for indigenous and tribal peoples.

  5. Publication

    National system for recording and notification of occupational diseases: Practical guide

    02 January 2013

    This practical guide has been prepared to help member States to establish and improve their national systems for recording and notification of occupational diseases. It is aimed at relevant people in the responsible authorities, such as the ministries of labour, health, and social security; at those in occupational safety and health inspection, occupational safety and health services, national social security institutions, and compensation boards; and at employers, workers and their organizations. It also includes practical and detailed guidance on compiling and analyzing data collected through national disease surveillance systems.

  6. Publication

    Improvement of national reporting, data collection and analysis of occupational accidents and diseases

    12 December 2012

    This report focuses on the importance of national reporting of occupational accidents and diseases and how it can be improved, as well as data collection systems and how the data can be evaluated and analyzed.

  7. ILO Research paper No. 3

    Structure Matters: Sectoral drivers of growth and the labour productivity-employment relationship

    04 December 2012

    The paper uses accounting methods to decompose aggregate labour productivity and employment growth into their sectoral components as well as into within-sector and employment reallocation effects for a sample of 81 countries.

  8. Publication

    Independent evaluation of the ILO's sector-specific approach to Decent Work

    01 November 2012

    The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the ILO’s strategy for achieving a sector-specific approach to decent work as outlined in the 2010–2015 ILO Strategic Policy Framework. The point of departure for the evaluation was the strategy as described in the 2010–11 and 2012–13 Programme and Budget (P&B) and reiterated in the Outcome-based Workplan (OBW), taking into account the evolution of ILO strategy from the 2006–2007 and the 2008–09 biennia until 2012.

  9. Publication

    Independent evaluation of the ILO's sector-specific approach to Decent Work [Case Study Volume]

    01 November 2012

    The case studies are on Collective Bargaining and Dispute Resolution in the Public Service; and the Decent Work Pilot Programme in Morocco

  10. Publication

    Employment Protection and Collective Bargaining: Beyond the deregulation agenda

    19 October 2012

    Employment Working Paper No. 133