Publications on tripartism and social dialogue

  1. Publication

    Labour Administration in Uncertain Times: Policy, Practice and Institutions

    01 November 2013

    The 2008 financial crisis marked the beginning of a prolonged and ongoing period of extreme economic turbulence that has created multiple challenges for both governments and national systems of labour administration. Difficult economic conditions are encouraging a re-evaluation of established policies and institutions in the areas of labour, employment, social protection and industrial relations.

  2. Publication

    Workers’ resistance against Nazi Germany at the International Labour Conference 1933

    23 October 2013

    Eighty years ago, the delegation of national socialist Germany made an early exit from the International Labour Conference. An attempt to install the German Labour Front as legitimate worker representatives, instead of the free trade unions,had failed due to resistance from the Workers’ Group and, not least, the persistent silence maintained by Wilhelm Leuschner, the German unions’ representative on the ILO Governing Body.

  3. Guidelines

    Equal Pay - An introductory guide

    04 October 2013

    Ensuring that the work done by women and men is valued fairly and ending pay discrimination is essential to achieving gender equality. However, pay inequality continues to persist and gender pay gaps in some instances have stagnated or even increased.

  4. Publication

    Labour Migration and Development: Setting a course for the future

    03 October 2013

    Brochure prepared by the ILO for the 2013 UN High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development, wherein the ILO posits that labour migration governance that focuses on the protection of men and women migrant workers, while addressing labour market needs, will become increasingly important to achieving equitable, sustainable and inclusive development.

  5. Technical brief

    Gender equality in tripartite social dialogue in Europe and Central Asia

    14 August 2013

    This technical brief presents unique data on the participation of men and women in tripartite social dialogue in 50 countries in Europe and Central Asia (ECA region). Despite tangible progress, women remain under-represented in national social dialogue institutions in the ECA region (18 per cent of participants). The target set by the United Nations of at least 30 per cent of women at decision-making level is achieved only in 15 per cent of social dialogue bodies. In 18 per cent of countries women are not represented at all. The best results are in Western Europe (17 per cent), followed by Eastern Europe and Central Asia (14 per cent), and Central and South Eastern Europe (8 per cent). More encouraging figures come from the analysis of the gender composition of tripartite delegations in the International Labour Conference. In 2012, the best result among regions was that of the European delegations (36 per cent), while the whole Conference registered 27 per cent women participants. The European Regional Conference in Oslo in 2013 gathered delegates from 42 countries out of whom 41 per cent were women. The brief concludes with some policy advice for further promoting gender equality in social dialogue institutions at national, regional and international level.

  6. Publication

    Efectos del Comercio en el Empleo: Informe Guatemala

    07 August 2013

    El informe aborda la relación entre comercio y empleo en el país para la formulación de políticas nacionales. Hace uso de los estudios realizados por el proyecto ECE en Guatemala y de las discusiones llevadas a cabo durante las reuniones del Grupo de Trabajo Asesor. El documento subraya la necesidad de tomar medidas adecuadas para mitigar los costos de ajuste que implica la liberalización comercial. Enfatiza además la necesidad de políticas adicionales para mejorar la capacidad de oferta nacional, lo cual requeriría de una mejoría significativa en cuanto a infraestructura física, mayor productividad del trabajo y mejor gobernabilidad económica.

  7. Publication

    Etude Nationale du Projet «Evaluer et Gérer les Effets du Commerce sur L'Emploi» au Bénin

    07 August 2013

    Ce rapport résume les études réalisées par le Projet ECE au Bénin et fait la synthèse des discussions lors des réunions de « Policy Working Group ». Ce rapport met en évidence la relation entre le commerce et l'emploi au Bénin pour la formulation de politique nationale. Le rapport souligne la nécessité pour le Bénin de prendre des mesures adaptées pour atténuer les coûts d'ajustement liés à la libéralisation commerciale. Il insiste sur la nécessité de politiques complémentaires pour améliorer la capacité de l'offre, ce qui exigerait une nette amélioration de l'infrastructure physique, une augmentation de la productivité du travail et une amélioration de la gouvernance économique.

  8. Publication

    Social Protection and HIV: Guide on Research Methodology for Undertaking Research at Country Level

    12 July 2013

    The social protection and HIV research referred to in this document aims broadly to support building a country level knowledge base on the access and effects of social protection policies and programs on HIV affected workers in the formal and informal economy.

  9. Publication

    Social Protection and HIV: Global Literature Review

    12 July 2013

    The Global Literature Review of social protection and HIV is the first component of the ILO's research on "Access" and "Effects" of social protection policies and programmes on women and men workers and their households in the formal and informal economy affected by HIV and AIDS. This review identifies and outlines the international literature on access to and the impact of social protection programmes on people living with or affected by HIV (PLHIV) and their households. The literature review was undertaken by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), UK for the ILO Programme on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work (ILO/AIDS).

  10. International Labour Review, Vol. 152 (2013), No. 2

    The meta-regulation of European industrial relations: Power shifts, institutional dynamics and the emergence of regulatory competition

    05 July 2013

    “Meta-regulation” describes the transnational governance of industrial relations emerging from attempts to resolve conflicts between national collective agreements and EU Member States’ freedom to provide services and post workers abroad. The norm underpinning such meta-regulation is competition, not only between workers from different EU Member States but also between States’ labour regulations. Using the concepts of “structural power” and “social field”, the authors discuss judicial decisions that illustrate the gradual meta-regulation of industrial relations in the EU and show how the power asymmetry between labour and capital is growing in favour of the latter.