
Seminar: Project research & labour market effects in Africa

During this research seminar, held on March 9, 2016, the ECLM project team presented an overview of two elements of the research methodology as well as preliminary findings on the labour market position of immigrants in Ghana and the labour market impact of immigration in Rwanda.

Following a series of national consultation seminars, the research methodology for all ten countries covered by the project has been completed. During this research seminar, held on March 9, 2016 and chaired by Christiane Kuptsch, Theo Sparreboom and Jesse Mertens presented an overview of two elements of the methodology as well as preliminary findings on the labour market position of immigrants in Ghana and the labour market impact of immigration in Rwanda.

Mariya Aleksynska provided comments on the methodology and findings. The ensuing discussion stressed the importance of considering the motivations and future migration intentions of migrant workers while at the same time paying close attention to the impact of structural transformations on the demand for skills in labour markets.