Tools and Services on Global Supply Chains


  1. Publication

    Greening Economies, Enterprises and Jobs: The role of employers’ organizations in the promotion of environmentally sustainable economies and enterprises

    15 March 2016

    This resource guide provides an overview on: the evolving contribution of business to the sustainable development debate; planetary boundaries, environmental challenges and their implications for business; the greening of enterprises and workplaces, and; the role that business and employers’ organizations can play in lobbying and service development in the environmental field.


  1. Document

    Portfolio of policy guidance notes on the promotion of decent work in the rural economy

    14 December 2015

  2. Occupational safety and health fact sheets and videos

    Safety and health on the farm, at the motor vehicle repair shop and at the wood workshop

    14 October 2015

    The occupational safety and health fact sheets and videos depict safe working practices related to specific hazards found on the farm, at motor vehicle repair shops and at the wood workshop. These fact sheets and videos are aimed at employers and workers in micro and small enterprises including those in the informal economy. Following the information and advice contained in the fact sheets and videos will assist in ensuring that those working in these sectors remain safe and healthy.

  3. International Journal of Labour Research

    A just transition for all: Can the past inform the future?

    11 June 2015

    2015 is a decisive year for global agreements on Sustainable Development and climate change. The ILO calls for a just transition for all towards a greener and more socially sustainable economy. This Journal is focussing on drawing lessons from a few transition experiences in order to analyse how successfully (or not) these processes were managed in the past and how future transitions might be handled in a just manner. Challenges such as policy coherence, consultations and participation by all relevant stakeholders are addressed and lessons learned on these issues are highlighted in the Journal.

  4. Publication

    Compendium of Maritime Labour Instruments - Second (revised) edition

    01 June 2015

    The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 94th (Maritime) Session, is sometimes called a “bill of rights” for seafarers. It sets out seafarers’ rights to decent conditions of work and helps establish conditions for fair competition for shipowners.

  5. Training

    Multinational enterprises, development and decent work: the approach of the MNE Declaration

    This five-day course will look at how governments, enterprises and the social partners are encouraged to each put policies in place and engage with each other through dialogue to maximize the positive contribution of multinational enterprises to socio economic development and decent work.

  6. Publication

    Promoting formal employment among youth: innovative experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean.

    20 April 2015

    Formalizing employment, particularly youth employment, continues to pose a challenge for the countries of the region. Currently, 13% of youth are unemployed and 55.7% are informally employed (ILO 2013 and ILO 2014). The challenge of enabling the new labour force to actively participate in the labour market is compounded by the additional challenge of guaranteeing that the new jobs meet decent work criteria.

  7. Publication

    Microfinance for Decent Work – Enhancing the impact of microfinance: Evidence from an action research programme

    17 February 2015

  8. Global report

    Women in Business and Management: Gaining momentum

    12 January 2015

    This report brings together available data and ILO statistics to provide a comprehensive, up to-date and global picture of women in the business world and in management positions.


  1. Publication

    The Governance of Policy Reforms in Southern Europe and Ireland: Social dialogue actors and institutions in times of crisis

    01 December 2014

    This edited volume provides an overview of the changes that have occurred in industrial relations systems in southern Europe and Ireland as a result of the debt crisis and subsequent fiscal consolidation policies. The authors take stock of developments and consider policy implications. They identify the new challenges in today's crisis context and rapidly changing economic environment, offering a range of strategies and actions aimed at reinforcing social dialogue and industrial relations institutions in ways compatible with international labour standards and the ILO Decent Work Agenda.