Tools and Services on National Employment Policies


  1. Publication

    Beyond Macroeconomic Stability: Structural Transformation and Inclusive Development

    05 March 2014

    This thought-provoking volume goes beyond the narrow conceptualization of macroeconomic stability to explore the link between structural transformation and inclusive development. It examines three thematic pillars: the limits of conventional macroeconomics; the long-run agenda of structural transformation and the development of capabilities; and inequality and its macroeconomic consequences.

  2. © Shayan Mehrabi 2024

    Work4Youth Publications

    Informal employment among youth: evidence from 20 school-to-work transition surveys

    04 February 2014

    This report provides empirical evidence to confirm that informal employment, a category considered as “non-standard” in traditional literature, is in fact “standard” among young workers in developing economies. Based on the school-to-work transitions surveys (SWTSs) run in 2012-2013, the report finds that three-quarters of young workers aged 15-29 (at the aggregate level) are currently engaged in informal employment.

  3. Publication

    Guide on employment policy and international labour standards

    10 January 2014

    The aim of the present Guide is to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of placing the promotion of full, productive and freely chosen employment at the heart of socio-economic and development policies through a rights-based approach and a broad basis of agreement achieved through social dialogue, in line with the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122).


  1. Studies on Growth with Equity

    Kenya: Making quality employment the driver of development

    02 December 2013

    The report analyses how the growing disconnect between growth and job creation in Kenya is having detrimental consequences on living standards and working conditions, especially for youth. It discusses how a comprehensive approach that integrates employment goals with strategic growth plans can contribute to a more stable and equitable growth pattern.

  2. Publication

    Gender dimensions of national employment policies: A 24 country study

    18 November 2013

    EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 152

  3. Publication

    The Social Dimensions of Free Trade Agreements

    06 November 2013

    The report provides a comprehensive review of all existing trade agreements that include social provisions and discusses impacts for enterprises and workers.It also helps assess the challenges for arising from the multiplication of trade agreements that include different social provisions.

  4. ILO Research paper No. 8

    Understanding the drivers of the youth labour market in Kenya

    30 September 2013

    This paper examines the macroeconomic and individual elements affecting youth unemployment and inactivity in Kenya with a view to discussing the elements that are important for the youth labour market challenges.

  5. Publication

    Efectos del Comercio en el Empleo: Informe Guatemala

    07 August 2013

    El informe aborda la relación entre comercio y empleo en el país para la formulación de políticas nacionales. Hace uso de los estudios realizados por el proyecto ECE en Guatemala y de las discusiones llevadas a cabo durante las reuniones del Grupo de Trabajo Asesor. El documento subraya la necesidad de tomar medidas adecuadas para mitigar los costos de ajuste que implica la liberalización comercial. Enfatiza además la necesidad de políticas adicionales para mejorar la capacidad de oferta nacional, lo cual requeriría de una mejoría significativa en cuanto a infraestructura física, mayor productividad del trabajo y mejor gobernabilidad económica.

  6. Publication

    Etude Nationale du Projet «Evaluer et Gérer les Effets du Commerce sur L'Emploi» au Bénin

    07 August 2013

    Ce rapport résume les études réalisées par le Projet ECE au Bénin et fait la synthèse des discussions lors des réunions de « Policy Working Group ». Ce rapport met en évidence la relation entre le commerce et l'emploi au Bénin pour la formulation de politique nationale. Le rapport souligne la nécessité pour le Bénin de prendre des mesures adaptées pour atténuer les coûts d'ajustement liés à la libéralisation commerciale. Il insiste sur la nécessité de politiques complémentaires pour améliorer la capacité de l'offre, ce qui exigerait une nette amélioration de l'infrastructure physique, une augmentation de la productivité du travail et une amélioration de la gouvernance économique.

  7. Publication

    Ministries of labour: comparative overview. History, mandate, challenges world-wide database and organizational charts

    19 June 2013

    The main purpose of this publication is to provide ILO constituents and other readers with an analysis of current developments and trends in ministries of labour all around the world.