Good Practice

Decent Jobs for Egypt’s Young People: Tackling the Challenge in Qalyoubia and Menoufia - Final evaluation

Good Practice Description

Investing in human capital is much worthy than investing in physical capital. The project had two main interventions with the Faculty of Agricultural/ Banha University; the first intervention was TOT training for 13 junior faculty staff and professors on Entrepreneurial Skills for Agri Business (ESAB) for the sake of providing the training in house for faculty graduates and students to plan for their own agricultural enterprise, and the second intervention was the financial support to establish the greenhouse as a pilot model to promote for high productivity and more job creation opportunities. In order to maintain the greenhouses and ensure its sustainability, there was a need for additional financial support –by the end of the project-, however there wasn’t enough financial resources or any other allocated funds inside the association. This step was suspended until having the sufficient earmarked resources. On a different note; the ESAB TOT participants have initiated a package of training and technical services to support the running agriculture projects besides providing the supportive needed services for these agriculture businesses, also to provide the faculty students with business agriculture superiority. However the greenhouse was facing existing and sustainability challenges, there was a real human asset, represented in faculty staff technical and physical qualifications to achieve an impact remains beyond the project life-time, through the Entrepreneur and Business Development Services for Agriculture Enterprises (EBDS). Towards helping more motivated youth to start up their agriculture business or support the running ones.