Good Practice

ILO-China project to expand employment services and enhance labour market information in Cambodia and LAO PDR - Final Evaluation

Good Practice Description

The NEA job centre in Svay Reang Province, Cambodia, has developed an effective partnership with a national youth NGO to extend employment services outreach to community level. This has enabled expanded access to young people at community level, including through job forums at district level. While the job centre can facilitate relations with local authorities and the participation of employers, the youth NGO has the proven ability to mobilise young jobseekers to employment-related events.

The tripartite National Project Steering Committee (NPSC) model which has been established to oversee the ILO/China SSC Project at country level, provides a platform for government, employer and worker and representatives to come together to jointly review and plan Project implementation, helping to strengthen relationships between these core stakeholders in the development of effective PES ad LMI services and systems. The country stakeholders have themselves identified this as an example of good practice.

The general stepping-up in the use of district job fairs and job forums as a dual outreach and direct recruitment mechanism in both Cambodia and Lao PDR, supported by the deployment of mobile teams and the development of relationships with leaders at community level.

The integration of employment and labour migration (MRC) services in the NEA job centre in Battambang, including targeted outreach activities at district level. This demonstrates the potential of an integrated approach and could serve as a ‘model’ for the development / strengthening of similar approaches both elsewhere in Cambodia and in Lao PDR.

The establishment and support of a network of NEA youth focal points in 12 selected trade unions, including registration services at that level – anchoring the NEA amongst union memberships while simultaneously developing a cadre of trained ‘ambassadors and advocates’ who can both reach out to people not otherwise touched by employment services and provide feedback to the NEA on issues, concerns, needs and suggestions for improvement.

The semi-autonomous ‘special agency’ institutional model adopted by the NEA in Cambodia allows the degree of flexibility, scope for initiative and internal capacity development that a dynamic and responsive employment services operation requires at a time of rapidly evolving economic, social and technological circumstances, nationally, regionally and globally. The attention given by the NEA to generating research to underpin policy and service development at agency and wider national levels is one example of the sort of flexible decision-making and initiative enabled by the institutional structure adopted. The deliberate and concerted focus on building core strategic management capacity in NEA through in-depth training and education is another.