Good Practice

Promoting the effective governance of labour migration from South Asia - Final evaluation

Project documentation | 24 October 2017
Contact(s): CO-Kathmandu
Good Practice Description

As a result of ignorance, migrants might face exploitation and abuse during the recruitment and employment stages of labour migration or may choose irregular channels of migration, which may result in loss of money and even lives. The SALM project supported the establishment of Migrant Resource Centers (MRCs) in countries of origin, which provide accurate and timely information on safe and legal migration, referral and counselling, as well as raising awareness on irregular migration and the related serious risks.

In today’s globalized economy, workers are increasingly looking for job opportunities beyond their home country that will provide a better livelihood and decent work. Despite the substantial benefits generated by the migration flow, many challenges remain to ensure a fairer distribution of the profits. Strengthening governance of labour migration requires knowledge and information critical to formulate and implement policies and practice. The SALM Project supported improving information on labour migration for evidence based decision-making including labour market needs assessments and the generation of labour migration statistics.

In view of the importance of migration related statistics for policy formulation, planning, better governance and protection of migrant workers, and the absence of a proper system of tracking data of migrant workers (leaving and returning to the countries of origin), the SALM Project initiated the strengthening the online database and information systems for migrant workers’ complaints mechanism in some targeted countries of origin (Nepal and Pakistan).