Publications on domestic work

  1. Publication

    Review of labour migration policy in Malaysia

    02 February 2016

    This report assesses the recent changes to labour migration policy in Malaysia and provides recommendations for further strengthening of the governance framework.

  2. Domestic Work Policy Brief no. 9

    Making decent work a reality for migrant domestic workers

    17 December 2015

    This document is part of a series of briefs on issues and approaches to promoting decent work for domestic workers.

  3. Domestic Work Policy Brief no. 8

    Domestic work voice and representation through organizing

    15 December 2015

    This document is part of a series of briefs on issues and approaches to promoting decent work for domestic workers.

  4. Issue Brief no. 3 - Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining

    Collective bargaining and non-standard forms of employment: Practices that reduce vulnerability and ensure work is decent

    14 December 2015

    Collective bargaining is widely recognized as an important tool for improving working conditions and labour relations, but can it play the same role for workers in non-standard forms of employment? This issue brief looks at the ways in which collective bargaining is used to negotiate better terms and conditions of employment for workers in temporary and part-time employment, and in forms of employment involving multiple parties, such as temporary agency work.

  5. Issue Brief no. 2 - Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining

    Improving working conditions for domestic workers: organizing, coordinated action and bargaining

    04 December 2015

    This Issue Brief examines innovative approaches to workers’ and employers’ organizations and collective bargaining that protect domestic workers from the risk of being engaged in unacceptable forms of work and afford them effective and inclusive labour protection.

  6. Publication

    Domestic work, wages, and gender equality: Lessons from developing countries

    30 November 2015

    GED Working Paper No. 5/2015 The paper seeks to contribute to a better understanding of developments regarding labour market participation and remuneration in the domestic work sector in comparison with other sectors. It looks at the basic characteristics of female domestic workers, gaps in minimum wage coverage, compliance, and the extent of minimum wage violations. Presenting empirical evidence on labour market inequality along gender lines, the paper discusses the role of minimum wages for reducing gender disparity, questions of regulatory design and enforcement issues.

  7. Research Department Working Paper n°7

    Domestic work, wages, and gender equality: Lessons from developing countries

    25 November 2015

  8. Study

    No easy exit – Migration bans affecting women from Nepal

    20 November 2015

  9. Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 66

    Minimum wage setting practices in domestic work: an inter-state analysis (India)

    10 November 2015

  10. Publication

    Human Rights of Migrant Domestic Workers in an Irregular Situation

    30 October 2015

    Study of undcoumented Migrant Domestic Worker vulnerability to abuse and exploitation.