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  1. Resource list

    Resource Guide on Disability in the world of work

    27 November 2007

    Resource Guide on Disability - Webpage

  2. Press release

    International Day of Disabled Persons - This year's IDDP focuses on the right of persons with disabilities to have a decent work, on an equal basis with others.

    26 November 2007

  3. Publication

    Facts on Disability in the World of Work

    21 November 2007

    One of every 10 people in the world has a disability — some 650 million worldwide. Approximately 470 million are of working age.

  4. Web page

    United Nations website for International Day of Disabled Persons

    20 November 2007

    United Nations website for International Day of Disabled Persons

  5. Event

    International Day of Disabled Persons – 3 December 2007

    Observed for 15 years, the International Day of Disabled Persons, 3 December, aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. This year's IDDP focuses on the right of persons with disabilities to have a decent work, on an equal basis with others.

  6. Memorandum of Understanding

    Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Nepal and the Government of United Arab Emirates in the field of manpower

    03 July 2007

  7. Memorandum of Understanding

    Memorandum of Understanding on Labour, Employment and manpower Development between the Government of the State of Kuwait and the Government of the Republic of India

    10 April 2007

  8. Memorandum of Understanding

    Memorandum of Understanding regarding the organization of the migration of Egyptian laborers to working the Hasmite Kingdom of Jordan

    29 March 2007

  9. Framework Agreement

    Framework agreement of cooperation on immigration between the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Cape Verde

    20 March 2007

  10. Agreement

    Framework agreement of cooperation on immigration between the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Mali

    23 January 2007