Small-scale processing of beef (TM 10)

Technical Memorandum No. 10

This technical memorandum, which has been prepared under the joint auspices of the ILO and UNEP, is the fifth in a series of publications dealing with food processing technologies. The object of the series is to acquaint small-scale producers with alternative production techniques in order to help them to choose and apply those techniques which are particularly suited to local socio-economic conditions.

The memorandum provides detailed technical information on small-scale technologies for the production of a variety of beef products, including beefburgers, chilli con carne, biltong, charqui, frankfurters, beef cervelat and so on. Information is provided on the raw materials required, processing equipment, plant layout and hygiene, and the processing stages for each beef product. A methodological framework for the evaluation of alternative meat processing technologies and scales of production is included for the benefit of potential meat processors. The focus is placed on the establishment of pork processing units which operate as a separate business. However, with some adaptation, the information supplied should also allow planners to assess the feasibility of attaching a processing unit to an existing slaughter house or butchery business. 

The socio-economic and environmental effects of alternative scales of production and technologies are also analysed for the benefit of public planners and project evaluators from industrial development agencies, in order to help them formulate and implement policies and measures in favour of meat processing technologies which are both socially and environmentally appropriate.