Decent work in Asia : reporting on results 2001-2005 : report of the Director-General, Fourteenth Asian Regional Meeting, Busan, Republic of Korea, August-September 2006

Reviews the achievements in international, regional and national developments relating to fundamental rights, employment, social protection, and social dialogue.

This report highlights the international, regional and national developments since 2001 that have influenced the implementation of the conclusions of the Thirteenth Asian Regional Meeting. It also explains the efforts of the Office to apply strategic budgeting and results-based management to the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programmes.

The report describes how different countries, taking into account their specific contexts and concerns, have adopted different modalities or frameworks for promoting decent work. It shows the key results achieved in implementing the conclusions of the previous Asian Regional meeting, according to the four strategic objectives of decent work – fundamental rights, employment, social protection and social dialogue – which define the core activities of the ILO.