Employment global products and tools: Skills for a green transition

Instructional material | 16 April 2020
  • A handbook on a methodology for estimating green jobs in bioenergy
    The main aim of this handbook was to provide a set of tools for conducting studies of the potential for creating bioenergy jobs at provincial level, including the related.
  • GIS mapping of the labour market in bioeconomy in Argentina
    In this Atlas of the bioeconomy in Argentina, ILO was responsible for the labour market part of this exercise. The focus was on the demand side. Besides information on total employment, it also includes further details such as age groups, gender dimensions, wages, size of enterprise and various sub-sectors within bioeconomy.
  • Global Skills for Employment Knowledge Sharing Platform
    The Global Skills for Employment Global Public-Private Knowledge Sharing Platform (Global KSP) shares the approaches and experiences that international organizations, governments, employers and workers have found are effective in strengthening the links between education and training to productive and decent work.
  • Skills for green jobs in Bangladesh
    The study argues that for greening the economy, the policy should target implementation of the skills needs for green jobs in various sectors with priority to renewable energy, RMG, waste management and brick manufacture.