Promoting creative industries through business awareness in schools in Kiribati

Through the UN One Fund initiative in Kiribati, the ILO in collaboration with UNESCO identified the opportunity to promote creative industries in schools. This initiative was welcomed by ILO tripartite partners and youth stakeholders in Kiribati.

News | 19 February 2013
The ILO is developing locally adapted business awareness material on creative industries for schools in Kiribati, these materials will be tested and teachers will be trained from selected schools to use the materials.

The Kiribati Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI) has offered to include a young entrepreneurs category in the national business awards scheme. In addition, the Department of Youth undertook the responsibility of organizing a creative youths forum to display their art and talents.

Through the engagement of a local ILO certified business trainer, draft zero of the material was developed and a pilot was conducted with 18 graduates (5 male, 13 female) of Kiribati Teachers College. Two pilot trainings were also conducted with 31 students selected from various schools. The first training was conducted for students aged between 12-19 and the other 12-14 years. The learning’s and feedback from the pilot trainings were then factored into the official training material.

The Decent Work Agenda Steering Committee (DWASC) have been instrumental in supporting the development of the new schools curriculum for Kiribati and endorsing the initiative and its progress.

The next phase for this work is the for ILO to obtain technical clearance on the draft materials and officially present it to the Government of Kiribati for adoption in the national curriculum. UNESCO will be heavily involved in this phase.