Decent work Country Programme Support Project - Improving Social Dialogue - Mozambique

In line with Mozambique’s emerging Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) priority areas, the project will focus on improving social dialogue in the country.


In line with Mozambique’s emerging Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) priority areas, the project will focus on improving social dialogue in the country. In line with the core ILO principal of tripartism and social dialogue, the project will build the capacity of Government, workers´ and employers´ organizations to support women workers’ access to their rights.

The decent work support programme in Mozambique proposes to take an affirmative action approach to gender inequalities by specifically targeting assistance to women workers. There is ample evidence that Mozambican women suffer discrimination in the labour market and are consequently in need of targeted support. Research both in Mozambique and elsewhere clearly shows that discriminating against women has negative consequences for economic growth. Moreover, there is evidence women workers invest more of their profits and wages in their families and communities.

The project will contribute to national priorities as laid out in core development documents such as the Agenda 2025, the 5-Year Plan, the Plano de Acção para a Redução da Probreza Absoluta II (PARPA II), the Employment and Vocational Training Strategy (EVTS), the National Gender Policy, and (as it will mainstream disability throughout all components) the National Plan of Action on Disability.