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May 2007

  1. Video

    A global alliance against forced labour film

    08 May 2007

  2. Article

    Equality at work - Tackling the challenges: Underpaid, Overworked and Overlooked: the plight of young foreign migrant workers in Thailand

    07 May 2007

    Migrant workers are often subject to discrimination because of their colour, race or religion, or simply because of their migrant status, says the ILO's new global report on discrimination worldwide.

  3. Article

    Women entrepreneurship: a road to decent work and MDGs in Africa

    04 May 2007

    In Africa the equal rights of women and their equal participation in the social, cultural, economic and political life have remained illusive. Women are still the main victims of poverty, social prejudice, lack of access to health services and education.

April 2007

  1. Statement

    Statement by Mr. Juan Somavia, on the occasion of World Day for Safety and Health at Work (28 April 2007)

    28 April 2007

  2. Article

    World Day for Safety and Health 2007: Making decent work a reality: improving health and safety at suppliers

    27 April 2007

    270 million accidents at work happen every year according to ILO estimates – 355,000 of which are fatal. The mortality rate in developing countries is five to seven times higher than in industrialised nations.

  3. Article

    11th African Regional Meeting (Addis Ababa, 24-27 April 2007) - Africa: Community-based micro-insurance for universal health coverage

    24 April 2007

    Almost 90 per cent of the population of sub-Saharan Africa is not insured against the risk of illness or accident. In order to help the most disadvantaged and vulnerable groups cope with life's contingencies, social protection is a powerful means of reducing poverty, emphasizes the report prepared for the Eleventh African Regional Meeting.

  4. Video

    Afghanistan: Women Entrepreneurs

    20 April 2007

    Afghan women are taking their handicraft skills to the market and playing an active role in the country's reconstruction and development.

  5. Article

    11th African Regional Meeting (Addis Ababa, 24-27 April 2007): From child soldier to entrepreneur

    20 April 2007

    Potentially one of the richest countries in Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo is currently one of the poorest. Eighty per cent of the population live on less than a dollar a day.

  6. Article

    11th African Regional Meeting (Addis Ababa, 24-27 April 2007): The power of dialogue: When words combine with actions

    20 April 2007

    The old adage goes "actions speak louder than words", but when it comes to governance, words are essential. A new report prepared for the ILO's African Regional Meeting on 24-27 April, shows how an ILO project targeting seven enterprises in two areas with high unemployment and HIV/AIDS combined skills development with social dialogue to improve performance and meet the challenge of growing textile imports.

  7. News

    Conclusions of the Tripartite Meeting on the Production of Electronic Components for the IT industries

    19 April 2007

    The IT sector has been among the most dynamic and innovative in the globalized economy, creating millions of jobs and wealth worldwide...