Inclusive Future of Work: Russian Federation

Country brief prepared for the 1st EWG under the 2019 Brazilian presidency of the BRICS

Technological, demographic and climate changes are the main drivers of Russia’s labour market and present both opportunities and challenges for an inclusive, human-centred future of work. The profound transformations under way are positive for economic and technological development, but will impose structural changes in the labour market. Demographic changes, including population ageing, require additional efforts in labour activation, productivity growth, and in ensuring the employability of the workforce. Technological changes can provide better opportunities for work-life balance and development of capabilities, but also require adjustments in the legal framework to ensure decent work and investments in digital and core skills. Adaptation to climate change will require the economy to shift its production processes and enterprises to change their business model. This will on the one hand affect workers in specific sectors or occupations, but also create many new job opportunities in the green economy. Russia responds to these challenges by implementing a number of national projects and programs. The required actions call for coordinated efforts by the government, social partners and civil society.