Building Modern and Effective Labour Administration and Labour Inspection Systems for Good Governance (LAB/ADMIN and ITC/ILO) Turin, 26 April - 7 May 2010

LAB/ADMIN in cooperation with the ITC/Turin is organising a training workshop for Arab speaking countries on labour administration and inspection systems for good governance. This activity is carried out, among others, within the Italian funded project "Promoting Good Governance and Decent Work in the Mediterranean through Improved Labour Administration and Social Dialogue". Participants from countries like Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Yemen took part. At the end of the training course, senior labour administrators will be able to: appreciate the concept of system of labour administration (as defined in C. 150 in the perspective of good governance); be familiar with the main international labour standards concerning labour administration, labour inspection, labour policies and social dialogue; use these standards as tools and reference for strengthening and re-designing national labour administration and inspection systems; analyse and discuss the key functions and roles of labour administration; analyse and discuss good practices; analyse and discuss trends, functions and roles of labour inspection; compare the situation and challenges in the participating countries and build a network for continuining experience sharing and knowledge building.

Conference | Turin, Italy | 29 April 2010