Decision on the third item on the agenda: Appointment of the Governing Body committees and working parties and of the Board of the International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin

Record of decisions | 22 June 2017

Decision on the third item on the agenda: Appointment of the Governing Body committees and working parties and of the Board of the International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin‎

Committee on Freedom of Association

The Governing Body appointed for the 2017–20 period the Governing Body members mentioned in the revised Addendum to document GB.330/INS/3 as members of the Committee on Freedom of Association.

The Governing Body requested:

(a) the Committee on Freedom of Association to appoint one of its members to chair the subcommittee meeting in September 2017, and the Committee meeting in October 2017;

(b) the Office to prepare proposals for the appointment of the Chairperson of the Committee on Freedom of Association for consideration by the Officers of the Governing Body, to allow for the appointment to be made by the Governing Body, at its 331st Session (October–November 2017).

(Document GB.330/INS/3, paragraph 5, as amended by the Governing Body.)

Working Party on the Functioning of the Governing Body and the International Labour Conference

The Governing Body noted the appointment of the 32 members of the Working Party on the Functioning of the Governing Body and the International Labour Conference made by the three groups, mentioned in the revised Addendum to document GB.330/INS/3.

(Document GB.330/INS/3, paragraph 10, as amended by the Governing Body.)

Standards Review Mechanism Tripartite Working Group

The Governing Body:

(a) appointed for the 2017–20 period Mr Jan Farzan (Germany) as the Chairperson of the Standards Review Mechanism Tripartite Working Group;

(b) noted the appointment of the 32 members of the Standards Review Mechanism Tripartite Working Group for the 2017–20 period made by the three groups and listed in the revised Addendum to document GB.330/INS/3.

(Document GB.330/INS/3, paragraph 13, as amended by the Governing Body.)

Board of the International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin

The Governing Body appointed 24 of its members – 12 from the Government group (including six from among the representatives of the ten Members of the International Labour Organization of chief industrial importance), as well as six from each of the other two groups, mentioned in the revised Addendum to document GB.330/INS/3 – as members of the Board of the International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin, for the 2017–20 period.

(Document GB.330/INS/3, paragraph 16, as amended by the Governing Body.)