Decision on the fourth item on the agenda: Sectoral meetings held in 2016 and proposals for sectoral work in 2017 and 2018–19

Record of decisions | 16 March 2017

Decision on the fourth item on the agenda: Sectoral meetings held in 2016 and proposals for sectoral work in 2017 and 2018–19

The Governing Body:

(a) took note of the reports of the meetings in section I of document GB.329/POL/4;

(b) authorized the Director-General to publish the Code of Practice on Safety and Health in Ports;

(c) authorized the Director-General to communicate the report of the Global Dialogue Forum on the Challenges and Opportunities of Teleworking for Workers and Employers in the Information and Communications Technology Services (ICTS) and Financial Services Sectors (document GDFTWEFS/2016/9) to governments, requesting them to communicate the reports to the employers’ and workers’ organizations concerned, and to the international employers’ and workers’ organizations and other international organizations concerned;

(d) requested the Director-General to bear in mind, when drawing up proposals for future work, the recommendations for future action by the ILO made by the Global Dialogue Forum on the Challenges and Opportunities of Teleworking for Workers and Employers in the Information and Communications Technology Services (ICTS) and Financial Services Sectors;

(e) requests the Director-General to engage tripartite consultations with a view to identifying the conditions for the inclusion of a meeting of experts to adopt policy guidelines for the promotion of sustainable rural livelihoods targeting the agro-food sectors in the programme of meetings for 2018–19 for consideration by the Governing Body in November 2017;

(f) endorsed the proposals contained in Appendix I of GB.329/POL/4 relating to the dates, duration, official title, purpose and composition of the meetings listed therein;

(g) endorsed the proposed programme of global technical sectoral meetings for 2018–19 contained in Appendix II of GB.329/POL/4, subject to approval by the 106th Session of the International Labour Conference in June 2017 of the corresponding allocations in the Programme and Budget for 2018–19.

(Document GB.329/POL/4, paragraph 28, as amended by the Governing Body.)