Decision on the third item on the agenda: Results achieved during the Director-General’s tenure as Chairperson of the UNAIDS Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations in 2015

Record of decisions | 17 March 2016

Decision on the third item on the agenda: Results achieved during the Director-General’s tenure as Chairperson of the UNAIDS Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations in 2015

The Governing Body:

(a) noted with interest the Office report contained in document GB.326/POL/3 on the results achieved during the Director-General’s tenure as Chairperson of the Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS in 2015;

(b) invited the Office to take into consideration the implications for follow-up and opportunities for the ILO and its constituents to integrate HIV and AIDS issues into their work, when drawing up proposals for future work of the Office aimed at implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly Goal 8.

(Document GB.326/POL/3, paragraph 30.)