Decision on the 15th item on the agenda: Report of the Director-General Second Supplementary Report: Follow-up to the centenary initiatives The future of work initiative

Record of decisions | 10 November 2015

Decision on the 15th item on the agenda: Report of the Director-General

Second Supplementary Report: Follow-up to the centenary initiatives

The future of work initiative

The Governing Body requested the Director-General:

■ to take account of its guidance with regard to the centenary initiatives, and to facilitate the strong involvement of constituents in their implementation;

■ to send a circular to all member States inviting their fullest engagement in the future of work centenary initiative;

■ to submit a report on progress at its 328th Session (November 2016).

The Governing Body further requested the widest possible engagement in and contributions of the ILO constituents to the reflection on the future of work, and encouraged them to establish their own networks and processes to ensure it was given full effect.

(Document GB.325/INS/15/2, paragraphs 36 and 37.)