Decision on the 13th item on the agenda: Report of the Working Party on the Functioning of the Governing Body and the International Labour Conference

Repertorio de decisiones | 1 de noviembre de 2013

Decision on the 13th item on the agenda: Report of the Working Party on the Functioning of the Governing Body and the International Labour Conference

The Governing Body:

I. requested the Office to prepare for its 320th (March 2014) Session:

(a) a detailed proposal for a two-week Conference, which would take into account the concerns and requirements expressed during the discussion held by the Working Party during the 319th (October 2013) Session of the Governing Body, and elaborate on the areas of consensus reached;

(b) a detailed plan of work for the 103rd Session (2014) of the International Labour Conference, which would take into account reforms which could be further improved and/or trialled at the 103rd Session;

(c) additional information on pending issues requiring further consultations and discussion.

II. requested the Director-General to hold informal consultations, with the involvement of all three groups, in the interval between the 319th (October 2013) and 320th (March 2014) Sessions of the Governing Body.

(Document GB.319/INS/13, paragraph 34, as amended.)