Decision on the 14th item on the agenda: Report of the Director-General Sixth Supplementary Report: Report of the Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Facilitating Transitions from the Informal Economy to the Formal Economy (Geneva, 16–20 September 2013)

Record of decisions | 29 October 2013

Decision on the 14th item on the agenda: Report of the Director-General

Sixth Supplementary Report: Report of the Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Facilitating Transitions from the Informal Economy to the Formal Economy (Geneva, 16–20 September 2013)

The Governing Body requested the Director-General to draw the attention of ILO constituents to the report of the Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Facilitating Transitions from the Informal Economy to the Formal Economy, by transmitting it:

(a) to the governments of all member States and, through them, to national employers’ and workers’ organizations; and

(b) to the international organizations concerned, including international non-governmental organizations with consultative status.

(Document GB.319/INS/14/6, paragraph 7.)