Decision on the first item on the agenda: Follow-up to the resolution concerning efforts to make decent work a reality for domestic workers worldwide: Progress report

Record of decisions | 23 October 2013

Decision on the first item on the agenda: Follow-up to the resolution concerning efforts to make decent work a reality for domestic workers worldwide: Progress report

The Governing Body requested the Director-General:

(a) to take into account the guidance given by the Governing Body in further pursuing the strategy for action towards making decent work a reality for domestic workers worldwide and to draw on it when developing and implementing priority action in the areas of critical importance for priority action identified in the Programme and Budget for 2014–15;

(b) to organize a high-level global conference on decent work for domestic workers as set out in paragraph 30 of document GB.319/POL/1 before the end of the 2014–15 biennium, subject to the availability of resources.

(Document GB.319/POL/1, paragraph 31.)