Decision on the seventh item on the agenda: Latest developments in Fiji in light of the resolution of the 15th Asia–Pacific Regional Meeting

Record of decisions | 26 March 2013

Decision on the seventh item on the agenda: Latest developments in Fiji in light of the resolution of the
15th Asia–Pacific Regional Meeting

In light of the absence of cooperation on the part of the Government of Fiji, the Governing Body:

(a) expressed its strong disappointment at the failure of the Government of Fiji to respond to the Director-General’s letter of 21 December 2012;

(b) urged the Government to be cooperative with the ILO and its procedures in the future, and in particular as regards the Governing Body’s previous request that, together with the social partners, it find appropriate solutions to bring the law and practice into conformity with freedom of association principles;

(c) urged the Government of Fiji to accept the direct contacts mission as set out in the resolution adopted by the Governing Body in 2012 so that it may take place prior to the June 2013 International Labour Conference; and

(d) decided to include this item on the agenda of the 318th Session of the Governing Body in June 2013.

(Document GB.317/INS/7, paragraph 5.)