Report of the Director-General, First Supplementary Report: Monitoring and assessment of the progress towards decent work at the national level

The Office has acquired valuable experience in developing decent work indicators and working with constituents on decent work country profiles as a result of its efforts on monitoring and assessing progress towards decent work at the national level. Recent evaluations confirmed the overall usefulness of the development of indicators and analyses for participating member States. The support provided to raise national statistical capacities resulted in more and higher quality statistics for monitoring decent work, and the profiles aided a number of countries in their policy-making and development planning as well as being useful for the development of Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs). The tripartite consensus approach to developing and validating the indicators and profiles, in collaboration with ministries of labour and employment and national statistical offices, was cited in both evaluations as highly beneficial and a key good practice. Depending on how the post-2015 framework for sustainable development evolves, this experience is likely to assist constituents and the ILO in fulfilling their role of ensuring that decent work is positioned at the heart of national and UN system strategies. The document was previously submitted to the Governing Body at its 322nd Session for information (GB.322/INS/INF/1) and is resubmitted for discussion and decision.