Agenda of the International Labour Conference: The agenda of the 101st Session (2012) of the Conference

Conference paper | 05 November 2010
The following items are proposed for the agenda of the 101st Session (2012) of the Conference:

(i) employment and social protection in the new demographic context (general discussion);

(ii) sustainable development, decent work and green jobs (general discussion);

(iii) a possible follow-up to the recurrent discussion on social security, in light of the outcome of the discussions and conclusions that may be adopted at the June 2011 session of the Conference;

(iv) a possible Recommendation on policy coherence among economic, financial, employment and social policies (following the recurrent discussion on employment) (standard-setting);

(v) decent work in global supply chains (general discussion);

(vi) finance with a social purpose (general discussion);

(vii) youth entrepreneurship: transforming jobseekers into job creators (general discussion); and

(viii) the right to information and consultation in the framework of economic restructuring (general discussion).