Decision on the fourth item on the agenda: Report and conclusions of the 17th American Regional Meeting (Santiago de Chile, 14–17 December 2010)

Record of decisions | 24 March 2011

Decision on the fourth item on the agenda: Report and conclusions of the 17th American Regional Meeting (Santiago de Chile, 14–17 December 2010)

The Governing Body requested the Director-General:

(a) to draw the attention of the governments of member States of the Americas region and, through them, that of their national employers’ and workers’ organizations, to the conclusions adopted by the 17th American Regional Meeting of the ILO;

(b) to take these conclusions into consideration when implementing current programmes and in developing future programme and budget proposals;

(c) to transmit the text of the conclusions:

(i) to the governments of all member States, and through them, to national employers’ and workers’ organizations;

(ii) to the international organizations concerned, including international non-governmental organizations with consultative status.

(Document GB.310/4, paragraph 156.)