Reports of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee First report: Financial questions

Record of decisions | 14 April 2009

First report: Financial questions

The Governing Body took note of these parts of the report.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraphs 4 to 10)

The Governing Body took note of these parts of the report.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraphs 11 to 57)

(a) Annual evaluation report 2007–08

The Governing Body took note of these parts of the report.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraphs 58 to 71)

(b) Independent evaluation of the ILO's strategy to support member States to improve the impact of international labour standards

The Committee recommends to the Governing Body that it request the Director-General to take into consideration the above findings and recommendations, together with the deliberations of the Committee, for continuing support to international labour standards.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraphs 72 to 92)

(c) Independent evaluation of the ILO’s country programme for Zambia: 2001–07

The Committee recommends to the Governing Body that it request the Director-General to take into consideration the above findings and recommendations, together with the deliberations of the Committee, for continuing support to Zambia through the ILO’s DWCP.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraphs 93 to 105)

(d) Independent evaluation of the ILO country programme for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: 2002–07

The Committee recommends to the Governing Body that it request the Director-General to take into consideration the above findings and recommendations as well as any observations by the Committee, in continuing support to Jordan through the DWCP.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraphs 106 to 112)

(e) Independent evaluation of the ILO’s strategy to improve the protection of migrant workers

The Committee recommends to the Governing Body that it request the Director-General to take into consideration the above findings and recommendations, together with the deliberations of the Committee, to continue supporting efforts to streamline activities aimed at protecting migrant workers’ rights and access to decent work.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraphs 113 to 132)

The Governing Body took note of these parts of the report.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraphs 133 to 144)

The Governing Body took note of these parts of the report.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraphs 145 to 158)

The Governing Body took note of these parts of the report.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraph 159)

(a) Documents submitted to the 70th Session
of the Board of the Centre
(Turin, 6–7 November 2008)

(b) Report of the 70th Session of the Board
of the Centre

(c) Follow-up to the Working Party on Funding of the Turin Centre and collaboration between Geneva and Turin on technical cooperation programmes

The Governing Body took note of these parts of the report.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraphs 160 to 180)

The Governing Body took note of these parts of the report.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraphs 181 to 187)

The Governing Body took note of these parts of the report.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraph 188)

(a) Urgent repairs

The Committee recommends that the Governing Body:

(a) earmark an amount of CHF500,000 in the Building and Accommodation Fund to be used for urgent repairs and maintenance of ILO-owned buildings; and

(b) authorize the Director-General to use these funds on an as-needed basis and to report to the Building Subcommittee on any such use.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraphs 189 to 194)

(c) Disclosure of internal audit reports

The Governing Body took note of these parts of the report.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraphs 195 to 201)

(d) Financial arrangements for a commission of inquiry concerning the non-observance by Zimbabwe of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98)

The Committee recommends to the Governing Body that, should it decide to establish a commission of inquiry concerning Zimbabwe:

(a) an honorarium at the rate of $300 per day be paid to each member of the commission of inquiry; and

(b) the cost of the commission in 2008–09, estimated at $660,000, be financed in the first instance from savings in Part I of the budget or, failing that, through Part II, on the understanding that, should this subsequently prove impossible, the Director-General would propose alternative methods of financing at a later stage in the biennium.

(Document GB.303/11/2, paragraphs 202 to 206)