335th Session of the ILO Governing Body

Decision concerning the overview of relevant and existing forms of innovative finance mechanisms, related opportunities and risks, and potential for ILO engagement

Record of decisions | 20 March 2019
The Governing Body requested the Office to take into account its guidance on the ILO’s engagement in innovative finance mechanisms and implement the proposed way forward, notably to:

(a) continue to build its knowledge of innovative finance mechanisms and to develop its capacities in that field accordingly, including by identifying and assessing the risks and opportunities relevant to decent work outcomes;

(b) develop the capacity of constituents to further build their awareness of innovative finance mechanisms and of the risks and opportunities for scaling up decent work outcomes, as a basis for their potential engagement in such initiatives; and

(c) integrate the results of the measures detailed in paragraphs (a) and (b) into the Development Cooperation Strategy to be submitted to the Governing Body for discussion at its March 2020 session.

(GB.335/POL/4, paragraph 32, as amended by the Governing Body)