335th Session of the ILO Governing Body

Decision concerning the 388th report of the Committee on Freedom of Association‎

Record of decisions | Institutional Section | 27 March 2019
The Governing Body took note of the introduction to the Report of the Committee, contained in paragraphs 1–72, and adopted the recommendations made in paragraphs: 84 (Case No. 2817: Argentina); 108 (Case No. 3120: Argentina); 165 (Case No. 3278: Australia); 183 (Case No. 3203: Bangladesh); 204 (Case No. 3263: Bangladesh); 229 (Cases Nos 3285 and 3288: Plurinational State of Bolivia); 258 (Case No. 3206: Chile); 287 (Cases Nos 3246 and 3247: Chile); 310 (Case No. 3253: Costa Rica); 328 (Case No. 3304: Dominican Republic); 339 (Case No. 2923: El Salvador); 361 (Case No. 3222: Guatemala); 395 (Case No. 3286: Guatemala); 425 (Case No. 3305: Indonesia); 441 (Case No. 3296: Mozambique); 458 (Case No. 2902: Pakistan); 476 (Case No. 3158: Paraguay), and adopted the 388th Report of its Committee on Freedom of Association as a whole.
