334th Session of the ILO Governing Body

Follow-up to the discussion on the protection of Employers’ and Workers’ delegates to the International Labour Conference and Regional Meetings and members of the Governing Body in relation to the authorities of a State of which they are a national or a representative

This document proposes a revised draft Conference resolution amending Annex I of the 1947 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies based on prior discussions at the 325th (October–November 2015), 326th (March 2016), 328th (October–November 2016) and 332nd (March 2018) Sessions of the Governing Body and a consultation process requested by the Governing Body. The aim of revising Annex I is to grant limited immunities to Employers’ and Workers’ delegates to the International Labour Conference and Regional Meetings, as well as to Employer and Worker members of the Governing Body, in relation to the authorities of a State of which they are nationals or of which they are or have been representatives, with a view to protecting their independence and the unhindered discharge of their official functions in the ILO. The Governing Body is invited to approve the draft resolution in Appendix I for submission to the next session of the International Labour Conference (see the draft decision in paragraph 9).