Decision on the complaint concerning non-observance by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela of the Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery Convention, 1928 (No. 26), the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 144), submitted under article 26 of the ILO Constitution

Record of decisions | 21 March 2018

On the recommendation of its Officers, deeply concerned with the lack of any progress with respect to its previous decisions, in particular as to the establishment of a social dialogue table and action plan, which it had urged the Government, for the last time, to institutionalize before the end of 2017, and regretting the impossibility to carry out the high-level mission it had recommended at its preceding session, due to the objections raised by the Government to the mission's agenda, the Governing Body decided that a Commission of Inquiry should be established, subject to the approval of the related financial implications set out in GB.332/INS/10(Add.).

(GB.332/INS/10(Rev.), paragraph 13.)

Financial implications

Having decided to appoint a Commission of Inquiry concerning the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Governing Body further decided that:

(a) an honorarium at the rate of US$350 per day would be paid to each member of the commission of inquiry; and

(b) the cost of the Commission, estimated at US$756,701, would be financed in the first instance from savings that might arise under Part I of the budget for 2018–19 or, failing that, through the use of the provision for unforeseen expenditure, in Part II. Should that not prove possible, the Director-General would propose alternative methods of financing at a later stage in the biennium.

(GB.332/INS/10(Add.), paragraph 4.)