Octobre 2016

  1. The role of internal migration in access to first job: A case study of Uganda

    6 octobre 2016

    Does internal migration hasten labour market access for young women and men? This paper analyses data from the school-to-work transition survey in Uganda to address the topic. The main indicator used is the transition length to a first job with comparison made between young people in Uganda that have migrated inside the country and those who have never changed their residence.

Septembre 2016

  1. Премин на младите жени и мажи на пазарот на трудот во поранешната југословенска Република Македонија: Резултати од анкетата за преминување од училиште кон работа од 2014 година

    19 septembre 2016

    Овој извештај ги презентира суштинските прашања од Анкетата за преминувањето од училиште кон работа (АПУР) од 2014 година, што беше спроведена заедно со Државниот завод за статистика на Македонија во рамките на проектот „Работа за млади“ на МОТ. Резултатите се споредуваат со оние од првиот круг на анкетата (2012 г.) и анализата се ажурира и се проширува за да се дополни сликата за состојбата на младите лица на пазарот на трудот што беше претставена во извештајот од првата анкета.

  2. Labour market transitions of young women and men in Ukraine: Results of the 2013 and 2015 school-to-work transition surveys

    6 septembre 2016

    This report presents the highlights of the 2015 School-to-work Transition Survey (SWTS) run together with the Ukrainian Center for Social Reforms and the Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies within the framework of the ILO Work4Youth Project. Results are compared to those of the first round (2013) and the analysis is updated and expanded to supplement the portrait of the youth labour market situation presented in the first survey report.

Juillet 2016

  1. Enquête sur la transition de l'école vers la vie active des jeunes hommes et femmes du Togo

    22 juillet 2016

    Ce rapport analytique est destiné aux décideurs politiques et aux partenaires sociaux qui se préoccupent de la mise en oeuvre de politiques et programmes relatifs à la jeunesse.

  2. Labour market transitions of young women and men in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Results of the 2015 school-to-work transition survey

    21 juillet 2016

    This report presents the highlights of the 2015 School-to-work Transition Survey (SWTS) run together with the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics within the framework of the ILO Work4Youth Project. Results are compared to those of the first round (2013) and the analysis is updated and expanded to supplement the portrait of the youth labour market situation presented in the first survey report.

  3. Transition vers le marché du travail des jeunes femmes et hommes en République du Congo

    15 juillet 2016

    Ce rapport présente les principaux enseignements de l'Enquête sur la transition vers la vie active (ETVA) effectuée en 2015 et conduite avec l’Institut national de la statistique et la Direction générale de la formation qualifiante et de l’emploi dans le cadre du projet «Work4Youth» du BIT.

  4. Labour market transitions of young women and men in the Republic of Moldova

    12 juillet 2016

    This report presents the highlights of two rounds of the School-to-work Transition Survey (SWTS) implemented by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2013 and 2015 in the Republic of Moldova.

  5. Does the work-study combination among youth improve the transition path? An updated review

    7 juillet 2016

    The present brief, following the one issued in November 2015, has attempted to revisit some of the results on the work-study combination of youth, using the new data from the School-to-work- transition surveys carried out in 2014/15. The main result found in the previous brief, namely that working while studied increased the probability of a successful transition, is confirmed using the new round of data.

Juin 2016

  1. Tranzicija mladih žena i muškaraca na tržištu rada Republike Srbije

    30 juin 2016

    Ovaj izveštaj predstavlja ključne tačke Ankete od škole do posla (SWTS) sprovedene 2015. godine u saradnji sa Republičkim zavodom za statistiku Republike Srbije u okviru projekta MOR “Work4Youth”.

  2. Labour market transition of young people in Uganda: Highlights of the school-to-work transition survey 2015

    23 juin 2016

    This report presents the highlights of a second round of the School-to-work Transition Survey (SWTS) implemented by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics in 2015. Results are compared to those of the first round (2013) and the analysis is updated and expanded to supplement the portrait of the youth labour market situation in Uganda presented in the first survey report. The report also outlines the institutional framework and relevant employment policies in the country.