Youth Labour Market Analysis: A training package on youth labour market information

Instructional material | 25 August 2014
The “Youth labour market analysis: A training package on youth labour market information” provides guidance on the data required and how they may be analyzed for the assessment of youth employment at national level.

A comprehensive analysis of the youth labour market is vital for the design of sound and evidence-based youth employment policies. This material can be used as a reference tool by the staff of labour market institutions engaged in promoting youth employment at national or local level. It also addresses the needs of analysts of worker and employer organizations, and of independent researchers wishing to undertake data collection and analysis on national youth employment.

The package is organized into two areas: Module 1 deals with data requirements and availability; and Modules 2 to 6 deals with data analysis and evaluation. Within each broad area, the training modules address the issues of data collection and analysis on youth labour supply, labour demand and conditions of work.