What's new

  1. Publication

    Training resource pack for agricultural cooperatives on the elimination of hazardous child labour (Set of 2 books)

    09 July 2009

    The goal of this resource kit is to raise awareness, help cooperative trainers to plan and run activities, and improve occupational safety and health conditions and promote the implementation of ILO Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182).

  2. Publication

    Cooperating out of child labour. Harnessing the untapped potential of cooperatives and the cooperative movement to eliminate child labour

    08 July 2009

    This title has been produced as a call to action to the world cooperative movement to join hands in fighting child labour. Cooperatives and the cooperative movement have an important, but as yet unharnessed, role to play in the elimination of child labour worldwide.

  3. Statement

    Statement by Juan Somavia, Director-General of the International Labour Office, On the occasion of International Day of Cooperatives - 5 July 2008

    03 July 2009

  4. Statement

    Statement by Juan Somavia, Director-General of the International Labour Office, On the occasion of International Day of Cooperatives - 4 July 2009

    03 July 2009

  5. Publication

    ILO and Cooperatives - COOP NEWS No. 2, 2009 (Newsletter)

    01 July 2009

  6. Publication

    Resilience of the Cooperative Business Model in Times of Crisis

    10 June 2009

    The financial and ensuing economic crisis has had negative impacts on the majority of enterprises; however, cooperative enterprises around the world are showing resilience to the crisis. Financial cooperatives remain financially sound; consumer cooperatives are reporting increased turnover; worker cooperatives are seeing growth as people choose the cooperative form of enterprise to respond to new economic realities. This report provides historical evidence and current empirical evidence that proves that the cooperative model of enterprise survives crisis, but more importantly that it is a sustainable form of enterprise able to withstand crisis, maintaining the livelihoods of the communities in which they operate. It further suggests ways in which the ILO can strengthen its activity in the promotion of cooperatives as a means to address the current crisis and avert future crisis.

  7. Publication

    Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and the Global Economic Crisis: Impacts and Policy Responses

    10 June 2009

  8. Publication

    Survey on the Implementation of the MNE Declaration in Ghana

    01 June 2009

    Sponsored by the ILO

  9. Project

    Women's Entrepreneurship Development in Aceh (WED) - Phase II

    01 May 2009

    Strengthening BDS Providers and Improving the Market Access for Women Entrepreneurs

  10. Publication

    ILO and Cooperatives - COOP NEWS No. 1, 2009 (Newsletter)

    01 April 2009