The enabling environment for sustainable enterprises in Cameroon Evaluation de l'environnement des affaires au Cameroun - 2013

This evaluation of the business environment of Cameroon presents a comprehensive assessment of the 17 conditions of an enabling environment for enterprise development as it was proposed by the International Labour Conference of 2007.

This assessment of the business environment in Cameroon presents the results of a study that was conducted from three sources: a survey of enterprises, indicators and data from secondary sources and national consultations. Its principal goal is to identify key constraints that hinder the sustainable development of enterprises in Cameroon and serves thereafter to define a strategy for reforms to improve the business environment. The evaluation exercise covers all types of businesses and offers a differentiated perspective by: enterprise size, sector of activity and geographical location.
The approach adopted in the study is based on a thorough and targeted analysis of socio-economic, political and environmental factors that underlie the specific constraints. Elements scrutinized in this report conform to the 17 criteria identified by the International Labour Conference (2007) to promote sustainable enterprises and decent work.
On this report, the main conclusions remain focused on identifying key weaknesses and barriers directly affecting Cameroonian enterprises and the conditions for their development. These barriers are focused particularly on the following areas: access to financial services, administrative and regulatory barriers, taxation, business development support services, entrepreneurship development, and infrastructure deficiencies (water and electricity).