Business Environment Reform and Social Dialogue training, 18 November 2021.

The European Commission together with the ILO provided a training on Decent Work and Social Dialogue in Business Environment Reforms. This training was held on 18 November and brought together EU officials and EU delegations from partner countries. This occurred in the framework of the DCED partnership (Donor Committee for Enterprise Development) which brings together ILO, EU, GIZ and the World Bank.

Article | 26 November 2021
The Trade and Private Sector Development training aimed to present in a comprehensive and interactive manner the key issues related to private sector development and aid for trade policy, programming and implementation. The emphasis is on the operational interpretation of relevant EU and global policy frameworks, and in the case of Private Sector Development, the importance of Decent Work and Social Dialogue. The training was based on the expertise of EU, EU Delegations as well as from external experts, among them the EESE team.

Learn more about the EU and Decent Work here